Archiwum 05 sierpnia 2005

sie 05 2005 ramiona
Komentarze: 1

coś jak po polsku - wziąć ciężar na ramiona ma następujący odpowiednik w języku angielskim:

shoulder the blame/burden/responsibility/cost, etc. to accept that you are responsible for something bad or difficult:
It is women who mainly shoulder responsibility for the care of elderly and disabled relatives.
Teachers cannot be expected to shoulder all the blame for poor exam results.

shoulders [plural noun]
sb's shoulders used to refer to the responsibility that someone has or feels for something:
A huge burden was lifted from my shoulders (= I became much less worried and anxious) when I told my parents about my problem.
Responsibility for the dispute rests squarely on the shoulders of the president.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


tlumaczka : :